Talking Tom Cat For Windows XP,VISTA,7,8

Talking Tom Cat For Windows
There are a few fun things you can do with your furry friend, Talking Tom Cat. You can make him repeat what you say simply by talking at him. He'll cup his ear to the screen, then say back the same thing in his own funny voice.

You can also interact with Talking Tom Cat through the touchscreen.Pet him by stroking your finger gently over the screen. Hi
t the screen harder and you'll smack the poor thing, causing him to fall over if you do it often enough. There are buttons to make him do things such as drink milk or scratch the screen.

One neat thing about Talking Tom Cat is that it allows you to record up to 30 seconds of video footage of you messing around with the cat, which you can then upload directly to YouTube.

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Talking Tom Cat For Windows (size6.5MB)



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Author: Usman Nazim